▶️ The test will involve a physical/mental examination, where a list of items must be shown from the appropriate syllabus.
▶️ These gradings are private, no spectators are allowed.
▶️ A panel of instructors will be present to adjudicate the test fairly.
▶️ Results will be given privately via video call the day after the test. Belts and certificates will be presented the following week.
▶️ Students must wear a clean Karate suit with our club badge and bring all protective equipment.
▶️ If you have any questions regarding the tests, please speak with Sensei.
Sunday 24th November 2024
10am – 2pm
Cost of Test
The cost of the test, including your personalised certificate:
Cost of Belt
If you are testing for first dan from brown belt, you will also need to order your black belt. There are two brands that you can choose from.
The English ‘Blitz’ branded belt is cheaper but still excellent quality. The Japanese ‘Shureido’ branded belt is the most premium belt you can buy. It is simply a choice of what you prefer.
It is recommended that juniors go for the Blitz belt as they will grow and need a new belt as they get older.
Your name and style will be written on both sides of the belt you choose in Japanese gold text.
Once you have read through the information, please message Sensei on WhatsApp with any questions, to discuss belt choice / sizes (if required) and make final payment.
Details will be sent to you via a private payment link. Thank you.