Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When & where?

💬 Please see our CLASSES page for the full list of classes, times, location and map.

How much?

💬 Please see our PRICING page. All new members get a ONE MONTH FREE TRIAL.

How do I become a member?

💬 Please see our BECOMING A MEMBER page.

What should I wear?

💬 Any comfortable gym or PE style clothing can be worn during the free trial.

Once signed up as a member, the correct uniform must be worn.

Please see STEP 2 of our BECOMING A MEMBER page for uniform information.

Do I need to bring anything?

💬 Always bring a bottle of still water and a hand towel if you wish.

Members should always bring their hand mitts and gum shield too, for sparring.

Can I watch my children?

💬 Due to limited space, spectators are not allowed, except for the first few classes to let the children settle in.

Parents can then drop off children for class and pick them up at the end.

How often should I train?

💬 You should/can train as often as you are able, time permitting.

Once a week as a minimum is fine when starting out, but 2/3/4 times will give you the best results and is expected of all brown/black belts.

The more you give, the more you will get and the faster you will progress.

How long does it take to get a black belt?

💬 This depends on your effort, attendance and progress.

Generally a minimum of 6 years consistent training would be required.