Aaron Milan-Vega

Professional Info

🥋 Business Owner, Computing Professional & Investor
🥋 BSc. (Hons) in Multimedia & Digital Entertainment Computing
🥋 Internationally Recognised 5th Dan Black Belt
🥋 Enhanced CRB / DBS Checked

Karate Info

Rank: 5th Dan / Godan (Black Belt)
Started Training: 1993
Grades Obtained: 1st Dan (2004/IKGA), 2nd Dan (2006/IKGA), 3rd Dan (2013/Seiwakai), 4th Dan (2017/Seiwakai), 5th Dan (2024/GKC Global)


1988 – Born in Essex, England, UK
1993 – Started Yamaguchi Goju-Kai Karate (IKGA) in Essex
2004 – Passed 1st Dan under IKGA
2006 – Passed 2nd Dan under IKGA
2006 – Moved to Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK for university
2006 – Opened Karate club in Newcastle
2010 – Achieved Bachelor’s Degree (BSc. Hons) in Multimedia & Digital Entertainment Computing
2010 – Left Yamaguchi Goju-Kai (IKGA) due to permanent relocation to Newcastle
2010 – Joined Okami Martial Arts
2013 – Joined Seiwakai International & JKF Gojukai
2013 – Passed 3rd Dan under Seiwakai
2013 – Organised and held our first open tournament with nearly 150 competitors attending
2015 – Left Okami Martial Arts due to distance between instructors
2016 – Celebrated 10 year anniversary of Karate academy
2017 – Passed 4th Dan under Seiwakai
2018 – Visited Japan to train & attend memorial for Lipinski Shihan
2019 – Joined GKC Global
2020 – Opened full-time Dojo premises during pandemic
2022 – Travelled to California to train with GKC Global
2023 – Hosted GKC Global seminar at our Dojo
2023 – Started GKC College program
2024 – Left Seiwakai & JKF Gojukai due to the death of Lipinski Sensei
2024 – Travelled to California to attend the first GKC Global Gasshuku
2024 – Passed 5th Dan under GKC Global